A crisis of meaning, self-awareness and living by intuition.


These are the point covered in the video.

  1. Just by being in the world, you change it.

  2. Are you living consciously or unconsciously?

  3. What do you want the world to look like?

  4. Activism with a sense of peace.

  5. Don’t need to go into combat over beliefs.

  6. Journey of self-awareness and how we feel.

  7. Personal journey for each person.

  8. I’ve been on the journey for 20 years.

  9. 2 different ways to live.

  10. Being a good girl and doing what I thought everyone wanted me to do.

  11. Felt miserable and meaningless.

  12. Major change in 1999.

  13. End it or find another way to live.

  14. New way is to not try to plan ahead, not think about what you should do or what’s the right thing to do.

  15. Open yourself to what is, how you feel and see what occurs to you.

  16. Our culture doesn’t let us do that - doesn’t support that.

  17. Makes you look like a slacker or anti-social because a lot of the work has to be done alone.

  18. I know I couldn’t have gone on the way I was going.

  19. A lot of people are miserable and have no sense of the point of life.

  20. Everything is in a lot of conflict right now.

  21. It’s hard to find footing and a sense of meaning.

  22. I want to talk about how we can find a sense of meaning.

  23. Share my journey - especially the last 20 years.

  24. I have come to understand bringing ourselves back to nature is important for world peace.

  25. We remember we are nature.

Video Transcript

This is Sonja from Elemental activist.

I want to say that if you feel like you can't do anything in the world, that's not true. Just by being in the world, you change the world. Now the question is are you doing it consciously or are you just kind of going along with what's going on in the world and not really thinking about what you want, you know, what you want it to actually look like? 

The whole idea of Elemental Activist is for us to consciously engage in our life so that we can make the changes that we want to. We want to do this with a feeling of peace. It's not like we gotta go out there and change the world and go out and protest and then like go into combat over what we believe in. It isn't about that. It's a whole different kind of activism. 

It's an activism that brings us into greater self-awareness of how we actually feel and it is a personal journey for each person for sure. I've been on my own journey with this for quite some time, for probably 20 years, and the way I used to live my life and the way I live my life now are extremely different. I used to live it where I wanted to be a good girl and I was trying to do everything that I thought that people wanted me to do. 

I was trying to be cute and happy and get good grades in school and maybe get a good job when I got out of school and I can tell you I was absolutely miserable. It got to the point where I just couldn't even stand to be in the world hardly anymore. I had such a feeling of meaninglessness like why does my life feel so meaningless? I can't go on like this. 

That led to a major change, a major pivot when it was like 1999. I just said you know what either you're going to end it or you're gonna find another way to live and I found another way to live. The way to live is to not try to plan ahead, not try to think about what you should do or what's the right thing to do, just open yourself up to what is and how you feel and see what occurs to you. It's really living by intuition and instinct. 

Our culture doesn't let us do that very much. It doesn't really support that for us. It makes you look like a slacker or like you're anti-social because a lot of this work has to be done on your own. I know for me I couldn't have got on the way I was going. I know there are a lot of people out there who are feeling miserable who really have no sense of what's the point of it all. 

Everything is in a lot of conflict right now and it's very hard to find footing and to find a sense of meaning so, I just want to talk about that. I want to talk about how we can do that. As we do that I'm going to share with you my journey of what these last, what my whole life has looked like, but especially what these last 20 years look like. 

I have come to understand a key piece of bringing peace to the world is that we bring ourselves back into nature, that we remember we are nature. A lot of the work that I do now is focused on nature and becoming one with nature. So if you're interested in this, I'll see you in the next video. Okay, thanks. Bye.


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