Designs Sonja Williams Designs Sonja Williams

Web of Life - Nature loves cynical.

If a voice in your head says, one person can’t make a difference, think Big Bang. Remember everything in the universe connects through one origin of energy and matter. A cosmic fabric weaves all of life. You change, the universe must respond. Elemental Activist Web of Life is a reminder of how connected we are.

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Floral Essences Sonja Williams Floral Essences Sonja Williams

Attachment to illusion.

I’m thinking about cows. As a cheese eater, I’m attached to the illusion that there is no suffering caused by my choice to buy and eat dairy products. If I let go of the illusion, I have to face the cow with her clamped teats and bellowing calf and give up cheese.

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Floral Essences Sonja Williams Floral Essences Sonja Williams

Purpose of the human animal.

Humans have a place on this earth as a species. When we look at the world, it is easy to see we have lost our sense of it. We spread all over the globe and are fixated on the needs, purpose, and suffering of each individual human. This has us staring at each other to the exclusion of the myriad other species with whom we share the planet.

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Sonja Williams Sonja Williams

Let Love Grow

Love is the energy of life. To let love grow is to remove obstacles to the natural flow of life energy that animates the universe. Control and oppression are obstacles to the natural flow of life energy. When we release the illusion of control over life and others and step into the natural flow of life, we let love grow.

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Sonja Williams Sonja Williams

Hope for smooth sailing.

My teenage son really enjoys sailing camp. He’s gone every summer for a few weeks since he was 10. His dad comes from a sailing family and this camp is part of the lore and lineage of his side of the family. I’m just happy when my boy is happy and I relish the sight of him sun-kissed, wind-tousled and confident in his skills.

This year the camp is mandating the vaccine.

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video Sonja Williams video Sonja Williams

We are the wild ones!

I was thinking about the words tame and wild. How they're defined is, tame is the ability to get along with humans and wild is the opposite, unable to get along with humans.

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video Sonja Williams video Sonja Williams

Prepare to make peace.

In order to make the world well, we need to come into a state of peace and let our actions arise from there. Here are some thoughts on how to engage spirit, body and mind to prepare for making peace in the world

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video Sonja Williams video Sonja Williams

Elemental Activist Now on YouTube!

I’m excited to now be on! It’s taken a long time to get to here. Talking to the world on the internet is kind of intimidating, but I knew if I was going to ever do it, I’d have to start somewhere. So I started where I was and that happened to be in my jammies at home.

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Sonja Williams Sonja Williams

Being with Angry Humans

A friend of mine posted about being verbally attacked with racial slurs by a stranger at a gas pump. I think everyone is running a little scared these days. Here are some thoughts about ways of dealing with that kind of scary interaction:

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Sonja Williams Sonja Williams

At One with Coronavirus.

Coronavirus is an aspect of nature. It arises in the context of us as part of the greater organism of nature. The virus and its effects are arising in a context that includes us. It could be argued that it arose as a response to human-created imbalances in the environment. If that is so, coronavirus is adaptive to our greater organism.

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Sonja Williams Sonja Williams

Reclaiming the Word Protest

am reclaiming the word protest to mean: making a solemn, public declaration of what I am for. I protest to you that I am for nature. To be for nature means I stand with her. This my first step in reclaiming our natural health. We must first stand together and then move together in the direction we want to go.

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Sonja Williams Sonja Williams

Start Where You Are

In restoring earth’s natural beauty, we need to each start where we are. Becoming beautiful is an organic process of expressing authenticity; this includes imperfections and vulnerabilities. Where I am now is in a period of avoidance and mild day-drinking. My mom died on New Year’s Eve and I am riding the unpredictable waves of grief.

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Garden Sonja Williams Garden Sonja Williams

Minka Cat is Wise

Jacob makes stew. Esau comes from the field and is faint. Esau says to Jacob, please feed me some of that red stew, I am faint. Esau is also known as Edom. Jacob says, sell me your birthright today. Esau says, I am about to die. What good will this birthright do me?

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Garden Sonja Williams Garden Sonja Williams

Elemental Activist Garden

Let me first tell you about my garden. I dreamt of one since I moved here three years ago. I deliberated over a fence because of the deer. The problem with the fence, though, is it makes the garden all for me. Next I’m putting gopher wire in the ground and maniacally laughing to anyone who can hear, “Mine, all mine!”

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Garden Sonja Williams Garden Sonja Williams

Making Peace in the Garden of Eden

Using the metaphor of the Garden of Eden, I am turning to my own little garden to explore my relationships with nature and develop my capacity to love nature as myself. This is easy with elements, plants and animals, but when it comes to humans, forget it; I want them out of my garden. All of the messed up stuff they’ve done scares me.

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musings Sonja Williams musings Sonja Williams

Interpret politics mystically.

The outline of Marin County District 4 is an imaginary line placed on the earth that functions as an aspect of reality. This aspect is called District 4, much in the same way as I am a bundle of cells functioning as an aspect of reality called Sonja. Unlike for Sonja, District 4 cannot speak for itself. It is an imaginary line that does not have a mouth. In order to represent itself to the larger body called Marin county, it needs a voice. Since it needs a voice, it needs a mouth and that mouth needs a body and that body is called Dennis Rodoni.

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