Prepare to make peace.

In order to make the world well, we need to come into a state of peace and let our actions arise from there. Here are some thoughts on how to engage spirit, body and mind to prepare for making peace in the world.

Video Transcript

Hi, my friends. I just wanted to tell you what I was thinking about today.

So, people usually say mind, body, spirit but really I think it should go the other way around and be spirit, body, mind because our world is crazy, and if we don't have a quiet place to start from we just launch into our day and don't ever really find that starting point that that calm place to begin where we can really center ourselves and then start to make a change of our own. Otherwise, we're just pinging around reacting to everything that's going on.

So, the first thing is to go to the quiet place and the next part is to spend time with the animal. The animal is us as our part of nature and this is us as a spirit manifest. We are just as much a part of nature as anything else that's manifested in the world and we need to stay in touch with that.

So first we go to the quiet place. We center. We get in touch with the fact that we are all one. We move out into the material world which is nature, and stay connected to ourselves as a part of nature, and then we can enter into the human game. The human game is all about the mind, the mind working its wonders and creating and trying to come into understanding of itself.

So what we are, are agents operating within the game of the universe trying to understand itself through our creation. It can be a confusing game so we need somewhere to start, right?

So, those are the thoughts for today. I hope you find them interesting and if you have any comments please let me know. Alright, have a great day enjoy the game.


We are the wild ones!


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