Big Bang, evolution, individuation, consciousness, environment and politics.


Please let me begin by saying, my mission has long been to help humans live in balance with nature. After much deliberation I arrived upon the realization that when we remember we are nature, living in balance comes naturally. This then led to the question of how to help humans remember they are nature?


This is where the political story begins. Humans tend to think of themselves as separate entities, separate from each other and separate from nature. But if we look at the history of creation from the Big Bang through evolution of the universe, galaxies, planets, plants, animal and humans, we see that we all share the same origin. This knowing was an intrinsic part of being through evolution, much like a newborn sees its mother as an extension of itself.


Individuation, like for the baby, takes place when we see that this is me and that is you. In order to see more than one thing, we must have consciousness. Consciousness allows us to step outside ourselves and view ourselves objectively in relationship to other things.


So far, we mostly identify with our physical body. We stand outside ourselves and say that is me, that is you and that is everything else. Consciousness focused in this way has led to many problems with the environment. We only recently became conscious of the consequences of this mindset when our collective trash pile overflowed into the front yard.


It is time to exercise our consciousness. We need to grow it into awareness of ourselves as something greater than ourselves. The political process will be our consciousness gym. This is why politics suddenly excites me! It is a means to the end of helping us remember we are nature. We are one.


Making Peace in the Garden of Eden


Interpret politics mystically.