Interpret politics mystically.

Please know that my approach to politics is through the understanding that:

  1. We are all one.

  2. We all have the same basic need to stay alive.

  3. The universe is evolving and so are we.

I live within several political bodies:

  1. Origin - Beyond-the-known-universe

  2. Universe - Known

  3. Planet - Earth

  4. Country - United States

  5. State - California

  6. County - Marin

  7. District - 4

Please allow me to characterize my conception of these political bodies and what I see as their purpose.

Marin County District 4.

Map Marin County Board of Supervisors Map

The outline of Marin County District 4 is an imaginary line placed on the earth that functions as an aspect of reality. This aspect is called District 4, much in the same way as I am a bundle of cells functioning as an aspect of reality called Sonja. Unlike for Sonja, District 4 cannot speak for itself. It is an imaginary line that does not have a mouth. In order to represent itself to the larger body called Marin county, it needs a voice. Since it needs a voice, it needs a mouth and that mouth needs a body and that body is called Dennis Rodoni.

Dennis Rodoni.

Dennis Rodoni - District 4 Board of Supervisors

Dennis Rodoni represents all the residents of District 4, whether they voted for him or not. Now think of the impossibility of 1 man representing 53,000 people. We work our whole lives to fully represent our individual selves, so how can 1 man fully represent 53,000 people? This would be impossible if we were all 53,000 separate people, but since we are really only 53,000 aspects of the One who physically reside within the imaginary line of District 4, the voice of Dennis Rodoni can represent us. He shares the same origin in the beyond-the-known-universe and, to make the representation more specific, he embodies the idiosyncrasies of living in this particular place.

Not only does Dennis Rodoni represent the people living in District 4, he also represents the piece of land with all of its aspects including, earth, sea, sky, spirit, animal, vegetable and mineral. Now his goal, as is ours, is to live a full and happy life. We each want that because the purpose of life is to live. In order to live we must live in harmony with all the aspects of the universal body. We facilitate development of that harmony by drawing shapes on the earth of various sizes and calling them countries, states and counties, thereby creating sub-bodies of the whole. These sub-bodies are aspects of the One and have voices that represent themselves. We call these voices politicians.

Keep it alive.

Imagine District 4 a million years from now. Dennis Rodoni would have to represent it in a different way because it would be different. He represents it how it is now, because of how it is now. Our work is to ensure Dennis Rodoni represents the area of earth under the imaginary line of District 4 as accurately as possible. This does not mean standing at a microphone for 3-minutes at the Civic Center expressing our personal desires for power and gain. It means understanding what is alive in our district and understanding how to keep it alive for the benefit of every creature within and without.

District 4 is an aspect of the One. Like all other aspect, it has an inherent system of keeping itself healthy. This is called homeostasis and it can be maintained regardless of the comings and goings of individual residents. Our goal as engaged residents is to learn how we can remove ourselves as obstacles to the homeostasis of District 4 and the earth.

Work together.

We need to know how the rain falls, how the sea flows and how animals migrate to help us get back in sync with the reality of this place. Problems arise from thinking we elect politicians to represent our individual interests, otherwise known as power and gain. In reality, we share an interest in staying alive and living in peace and harmony with our surroundings. Because we share this interest, it doesn’t matter which district we live in: we are all working for the same thing.

Let us educate ourselves on what is alive within our districts and how we can live within the system rather than using our political bodies to strong-arm the earth and each other. The more we align with the spirit that made this place and live accordingly, the better our representation. As we align with our higher truth, reality reflects it.


Big Bang, evolution, individuation, consciousness, environment and politics.


Become a producer, not a consumer.