Let Love Grow


Sonja with dear old Dad in the homeland.

Love is the energy of life. To let love grow is to remove obstacles to the natural flow of life energy that animates the universe. Control and oppression are obstacles to the natural flow of life energy. When we release the illusion of control over life and others and step into the natural flow of life, we let love grow. It grows through us, around us, and between us. We become conduits for life energy (aka love) rather than obstacles.

Communion with nature helps us understand what this feels like. Watching a flower grow, a river run, or the wind blow creates a sense of peace, a sense that all is right with the world. The forces that drive these actions are the same as what drives our existence and growth. We lose this sense of rightness with the world and ourselves when we mistake ourselves as the drivers.

Pink rose being naturally beautiful.

The universe is a vast and beautiful place that is evolving into increasingly more diverse life forms. That is the nature of the universe and we are part of it. To think that we are the controllers of our lives is to restrict the flow of love that washes through us into a tiny pinhole. It impedes evolution, leads us down unproductive paths of our minds making, and chokes life energy.

When we release control of our lives and stand in awe of what is emerging through and around us, we are enlivened. Our actions are driven by the creative force that connects us all and, therefore, when properly informed will nurture and sustain life. We become part of the living creature of nature, open to the flow and full of life.


California poppy floral essence - Eschscholzia californica.


Hope for smooth sailing.