Hope for smooth sailing.

My teenage son really enjoys sailing camp. He’s gone every summer for a few weeks since he was 10. His dad comes from a sailing family and this camp is part of the lore and lineage of his side of the family. I’m just happy when my boy is happy and I relish the sight of him sun-kissed, wind-tousled and confident in his skills.

This year the camp is mandating the vaccine.

I want to see my son happy, but I can’t put his health in harm’s way. It’s impossible to know the long-term effects and he has a lot of life ahead of him. As a mom, my directive is to keep him healthy. Healthy to me means pure and clean, like clean food makes you healthy and fresh water makes you healthy as does fresh air and sunshine.

Humans do not need medical intervention to exist in a healthy environment.

Pandemics result from unhealthy environments. Unhealthy environments result largely from human destruction. Human destruction results largely from corporations seeking profits at any cost. This is the root cause of a pandemic.

Mandating medical intervention for individuals to survive in this unhealthy environment is a solution derived by governments unable to operate independently of corporate greed. It sidesteps the whole issue of government and business taking responsibility and puts the onus on the individual. In this case, that individual is my son. The burden is misplaced.

My son is also the environment. To inject toxins into his body is to pollute him. I am not willing to pollute my son’s healthy body and allow the environmental destruction to continue. If we continue on this path the list of shots mandated at a baby’s birth will be so long it will surely kill them. If the shots don’t, the environment will.

My biggest fear is my son’s dad will disagree with me and our family will be embroiled in a conflict. I want to honor both my son and his dad’s experience, knowledge and opinions. My biggest hope is they will say something that will remove this bowling ball from my gut.


Let Love Grow


We are the wild ones!